8 Ways To Re-Invent Yourself In A Crisis – 5. Leverage Social Networks

Case Studies

8 Ways To Re-Invent Yourself In A Crisis – 2. Look For Opportunities

These unprecedented times have forced business owners to re-invent their business in one way or another. You’ve probably seen how some food shops have started delivery services or created lockdown products – packages of specific products to help us get through the lockdown. I live in Ossett, near Wakefield and two local examples stand out […]

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8 ways to re-invent yourself in a crisis fb

8 Ways To Re-Invent Yourself In A Crisis – 1. Do One Thing

Business owners are being forced to re-invent their business in one way or another. A few examples I have been involved in include: A training business pivoting from face-to-face workshops to online workshops; An IT business accelerating its use of remote access software to monitor and control their customers’ technology; An auditor switching to remote […]

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outside in management window of opportunity

What Will Your Business Look Like Post Covid-19?

This Is Your Window Of Opportunity… I really hope you are getting to grips with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on your personal and business life. Before I get onto my points about what your business will look like post Covid-19, I wanted to give you an overview of what my experience has been […]

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peer group

A Safe Haven For A Business Owner

As a business owner I know many other business owners, some of whom I work with as an advisor. Many of us worked for a boss in the past. We naturally looked to them for some direction and often had to get approval for things like recruitment, spending a lot of money beyond a budget, […]

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