Important things to remember when selling your business

Case Studies


Selling your business

Selling your business? Sometimes you only get to do this once. It’s important to make sure you do it right. Lessons from selling my business Last month I shared a post on LinkedIn about an up-coming meeting of the Value Builder Board I co-chair with Martin Allison. One of our board members, Matt Driver, was […]

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The Importance of ‘Values’ in your Business

The importance of Values in your business: He recruited enough accountants to have a 5-a-side football team! Many years ago, a MD of a print business recruited at least 5 different accountants / book-keepers to run his finance function. These were sequential appointments for the same role. I said to the MD that the common […]

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How to get greater accountability and get more done in your business

There’s a business owner I know who was feeling stressed about their business. Specifically, it was about the team not completing their day-to-day tasks on time, or people not following through on the commitments they made. There was no accountability. Also, mistakes were made too often, and nobody was grabbing a problem and sorting it […]

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peer group

A Safe Haven For A Business Owner

As a business owner I know many other business owners, some of whom I work with as an advisor. Many of us worked for a boss in the past. We naturally looked to them for some direction and often had to get approval for things like recruitment, spending a lot of money beyond a budget, […]

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Business Owner

Accountability…When You’re The Boss

In my last blog I talked about how you, as the boss, should apply a model of accountability. That model focuses on: having clarity of expectations between you and your team regularly monitoring those expectations In this blog, I want to talk about a much trickier subject…how you, as the boss, hold yourself accountable. Accountability […]

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outside in management accountability

Accountability…Are You Doing It Right?

As I’m sure you know, I spend a lot of my time talking and working with business owners. Two of the most common words that come up in those conversations are: Structure: being more organised, people knowing their job; Accountability: staff don’t take on enough responsibility, they get away with underperforming. Accountability Is So Important […]

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