- Chaotic would be the word to best describe your business and things don’t get done properly
- You end up doing jobs that your team should be doing
- Profits are either plateauing or dwindling
- You don’t feel like you can see the wood for the trees
- Communication within your business leaves a lot to be desired
Your Business Needs Help!
Ok so now I’ve got your attention let’s be frank about things. You’ve got this far because you can relate to some or all of the above. You are probably cringing right now at the realisation that things are worse than what you thought or dared to believe. But trust me, you are not on your own! These problems are common place in a lot of businesses that I have come across.
I work with many types of businesses, from the ones that are owner managed and have no or little management experience to the ones where the Directors have a corporate background but are struggling with the day to day management of the business for one reason or another.
You’ve got something else in common with other ‘chaotic’ businesses out there….you are all passionate to succeed.
Find Out Which Areas Require Help…
If you want to understand more about where your business is right now, I’ve devised an assessment which looks at 4 main disciplines that a business needs…Clarity, Focus, Discipline and Engagement. Once you have completed the multiple choice questions I will send you a detailed report of where you’re at and where you can improve. Click here to take the test…it’s FREE!
So how can we get out of this chaotic environment and make a few small changes to have a positive impact?
- Get clarity – yes it might sound a bit flowery but in actual fact it’s a basic requirement for everyone in the business to understand what the goals, objectives and vision is. How else will people know what is expected if it isn’t made clear?
- Have a Business Plan – and make sure everyone understands what their part in the plan is. Those words often scare people but a Business Plan doesn’t have to be scary.
- Hold regular reviews – it’s one thing having a plan but another to stick to it! Employees like to feel important and involving them in regular reviews of where the business is at really does have a positive impact.
That’s just a few small steps you can take to start to turn things around but there are many more and because I’ve worked with such a variety of businesses over the years I know what works and what doesn’t.
We have many more FREE resources here and if you’d like to have a confidential chat about your current business situation just give me a shout on 07790 615120, email me at peter@outsideinmanagement.co.uk or contact me on LinkedIn.