How To Effectively Engage With Your Employees To Achieve Your Goals…


If you have been following my last 3 blogs you will know that I’ve been talking about 4 key business disciplines.  And so we move onto the final key discipline…engagement.  The discipline that will ensure that you have the buy-in from the whole team.

The subject of staff engagement has been a major theme in management for the last few years.  The well-regarded Gallup survey found that staff engagement in the US (and therefore probably the same in the UK) is at around 30%, i.e. only one in three are actively “switched on” and contributing fully to the business.

The other 2 of the 3 are either not bothered (just doing their job) or actively disengaged (doing things that go against the interest of the business).  These are shocking statistics!

To quote Karen Martin, a leading change expert:

“Employees don’t just turn off their humanity when they walk into work in the morning. They want and expect to connect with those for whom they produce work and get work from.”

It is vital that you have good engagement with the whole of your team and that any issues are addressed and dealt with in the correct manner. Your team are the ones that will make everything happen, but only if you are all on the same page.

A lot of businesses make the mistake of having all these wonderful plans but don’t communicate and engage with the very people that will make the plans happen because they don’t know how to do it effectively.

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